Request for Proposals (RfPs): “Enhancing Biodiversity & Resilience in Cropping Systems”

Request for Proposals (RfPs): “Enhancing Biodiversity & Resilience in Cropping Systems”

Dr. Bärbel Hundt
Bayer Crop Science
Public Affairs & Sustainability

RfP 1: What are the dually beneficial ‘habitats’ / ‘cover crops’ that enhance biodiversity and resilience in crop production and which can be created as
an integral part of crop management and of a landscape planning approach for use within and beyond cropped fields?

RfP 2: Which innovative, financial mechanisms / benefits and incentives are needed for farmers to create ‘habitats’ / ‘cover crops’ to enhance biodiversity and resilience in crop production?

To get a better understanding about the way you intend to work on one,on parts or on both RfPs, we kindly ask you to send us your pre-proposal by June 5st. Details on what the pre-proposal needs to entail are explained in the requirement parameters and in Annex II. Please send your preproposals to my e-mail address: Applicants will be notified about the status of their pre-proposal by July 5th 2020.

For full details, click here.