Join us for Biodiversity Institute’s Annual Kick Off the Academic Year Open House!!
The UF Biodiversity Institute (UFBI) will Kick Off the fall semester with an Open House on Friday, August 26, 2022, 12:30PM to 2:00PM at the UFBI/UFII offices, E251 CSE Bldg. Stop by and reconnect with colleagues. Students and post-docs are welcome! Attendance is free.
UFBI was launched in July, 2016, to bring together scientists, social scientists, and policy experts to address critical societal issues of the 21st century related to biodiversity: invasive species, emerging pathogens, climate change, and food security, to name a few. This interdisciplinary Institute is accelerating synthetic research on biological diversity to serve stakeholders in Florida (a biodiversity hotspot) and globally through efforts to understand and manage biodiversity, develop relevant conservation, educational, and outreach programs, and shape policy to protect and enhance conservation and disseminating information on the planet’s biological diversity.
Friday, August 26, 2022, from 12:30PM to 2:00PM, in E251 CSE Bldg